Friday, April 13, 2012

Easter 2012

Before the week gets away from me, I wanted to make sure I blogged on our Easter Sunday. I don't want to forget these memories.

We were so excited to go to the Easter service on Sunday, but Eva was dealing with a really bad runny nose due to teething and so we decided to stay home. Normally I probably would have just gone and walked around with her in the back of the church, but it being Easter and one of the busiest services of the year in our 6000 plus people church, we deiced to stay home. I really wanted to make sure that we did not let the day go by and not let the kids know why we celebrate this day. We started the morning off with me making resurrection rolls. I had never heard of them before Pinterest, so I thought that I would try it out. It was a little over the twins heads, but they did get the concept and remembered that Jesus represented the marshmallow and that he was no longer in the tomb. Here is a picture from Pinterest since I forgot to take one of mine. The link gives directions on how to make the rolls. We will have to try this again next year when the kids are older.

We then gave the kids an easter basket full of little toys and coloring books. They loved them. I was able to get Eva and Selah's basket last year from Pottery barn on clearance.

Next we dyed easter eggs.  Let's just say I was not a huge fan of dying easter eggs with little ones.  It's just too messy for me.  This is something that I need to work on as kids = mess!

Then I decided to add one more thing to the list and make some cupcakes that I got from Target.  The kids helped me decorate them.

After all the activity and sugar, I thought for sure that they would take a nap.  All three of them decided to not take a nap which was really frustrating.  We then had to be at my parent at 3PM.  So it made for a very long day.  I was pretty grumpy to say the least.  I was grateful for the reminder of why we were celebrating Easter and how Christ died for even my poor attitude.

We had a great time once we got to my parents house and the kids always love playing with there cousins and seeing their Papa and Gma.

I definitely did not do well in dressing the kids this year.  We are about to have our family photos done and decided that I wanted a nice outfit for the pictures instead.

My parents have a park across the street from their house and the kids love going over there.  Even the adults enjoyed getting on the swings.

Here is my brother and his beautiful wife swinging together.  It so nice to see them so happy together!

 My parents had a little easter egg hunt for the kids over at the park as well.

We ended the day with a nice dinner and a cranky ride home and that was our Easter 2012!

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