Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Two’s Day

The last couple weeks have been crazy with the twins!  I think the last time that I posted they were sick with Croup.  I also talked about how they were doing better in the sleeping department.  Well after they started to feel better it got worse as far as sleeping.  We are still struggling in this area and trying to figure out what will work for them!  It’s so hard to have both in the same room when they just love to play with each other. While it is very sweet that they love playing with each other it is very frustrating at the same time.  Ohhh….how I wish I still had them in the cribs!  Twin mommies out there hold onto the cribs as long as you can. If they start to climb out I would suggest the crib tents!


2010-12-21 08.21.26

How can you not love these faces!!

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