I had some mason jars on hand and they are the small 8oz jars, so it should not take them too long to fill them up. They all have their own individual jar so they can earn their own prize. Once the jar is full they get to go pick out a toy at the store.
I got these stickers from Michaels and love the way they look. It's steel wool on the front.
Here are all of the jars with their initials on them. As you can see they have been already put to use. We used them at dinner time last night to get them to eat. We use to reward with a treats but knew that was not the best approach. As you can see Gabriel has a one less because he lost a stone for not listening and disobeying.
No more yelling = One happy Mama!
What type of reward system or chart do you use with your kids? I am sure that I will need another idea when the glamor of this new idea wears out.
Cute! We are doing something similar! It's been quite motivating.