Friday, September 18, 2009

Summary Of The Last Six Years!

This is summary of the last six years and the desire to have children......

Ever since I can remember I have always had the desire to have children. I got married just out of high school and hoped to have children right away. I ended up divorced three years later and without any children. I was thankful that the Lord had his hand on me because no child should have to go through divorce!! I felt very strongly about that being a child of divorced parents!

Three years after my divorce I met George. We actually met online and it is a long story so that is for another entry. I knew right away that he was the one for me. We got married 8 months later. We were living in Sacramento and still the desire to have kids was weighing heavy on my heart. I was going through some chronic pain at the time and had a surgery and it was at that time that we talked about moving home to Oregon. I thought there was not way that I would want to have kids that far away from family. Six months later we made the decision to move and we were off to Oregon.

Not only did I have the desire to be a mom but a stay at home mom!! How was that going to happen?? We were in debt and there was no way it was going to work as far as I could see. God has his plan for us it was just a process.

George started Real Estate and he loved what he was doing and he was really good at it. It was a time when the market was hot and he was making good money. At this time I was really not happy at my job and on the verge of wanting to quite. I knew that George was busy with work and that he could use the extra help. I told him "why don't I start working with you and that will free you up to make more money". I told him that if he had more time he could make what I made in a year in a couple of months. He prayed about and then told me that I could put in my notice at work. It was not even a month or two later that George ended up making my salary and then some! Praise God for his blessing.
I enjoyed working with George and being at home but still felt this longing for children. It was so hard because so many people around me were having kids and I was getting older and older. God was still at work......
During all this time George and I were actively trying to get pregnant but for some reason we were unable to. We had many test and their was nothing coming back showing that I would be unable to get pregnant. There came a time where I felt like maybe I need to try "opening" other doors to see if that is where God wanted us to go. I looked into Foster care as we had foster kids in our house when we I was little. We went through the whole process and got certified and set up a whole nursery for a potential baby. Working with the Department of Human Services was not the best experience and looking back now it was God just closing this door. I did think that it was funny that one placement that they wanted to give us was twin boys!! I told them that I did not think that I was ready for that!!

Once we got the Nursery all set up and with Michael in town I realized that the Townhouse was getting small and that maybe we should think about moving. We decided to put our house on the market and see if this is what God wanted us to do. We thought if it does not sell then we know that he wants us to continue to stay here. With in two weeks the townhouse sold and for top dollar! We knew that God wanted us to move but to where??

We were excited about the money that we had made and knew that we could pay off our debt! We looked and looked and looked and we finally found a house that we liked. We went to go do the inspection and the owners were there. Normally owners do not stay around while the inspection was done but they were getting ready to move. They invited us in and we sat down and talked with them and hit it off right away. They are Christians and our age with one daughter. After we moved in I got to know Brittany the previous owner over the phone and have become really good friends. What made us realize that this was the house for us and this is where God wanted us to be was the fact that Brittany and Dacer her husband had, over all the windows and doors written the verses from the bible that applied to the different rooms in the house.

**Deuteronomy 6:6-9 Write these commandments that I have given you today on your hearts, inscribe them on the doorposts of your home and your city gates.**

We just knew that this is where he wanted us to be. We moved and got settled in and once again I set up the Nursery for a potential Foster baby. It was not too much longer after we had moved in that the economy started to change and business was getting slow for George. We started to wonder what God was doing. Shortly after he was offered a management position with Prudential as well as still being able to sell on the side. This was a huge answer to prayer. At this point we realized that I was not going to be able to help any more with his business and so we decided that I needed to go back to work. I was able to get this cush job working for some old friends and pretty much just watched movies and read books all day. It was great and it provided the extra income. We then needed to let DHS know that we would no longer be able to take any foster kids because we could not afford it. DOOR CLOSED!

We had some money set aside and we thought that maybe we need to look at adoption avenue. Maybe this is the door that we are suppose to try. We looked into an agency that we would like to adopt through and it was roughly $5000.00 to get started. We almost had the money but we were still tight financially and we were starting to have to eat away at the money that we had saved just to live and pay the bills. I remembered thinking we are never going to have the money to adopt?? What is God doing??

At this time George and I had tried Artificial Insemination one time and it did not work. I told George lets try Artificial Insemination one more time and if it does not work then we will just have to wait until we have the money to adopt. I was beginning to realize, that this is a dream that I might have to give to the Lord and know that he has the best plan for George and I.

We went in and did the procedure and a couple weeks later check to see if I was pregnant. It was positive!!! The first time in 4 years it was positive!! We were so excited! I knew that it the back of my mind it could be possible that there be more then one baby. We went to the ultrasound appointment and right away the Ultrasound tech said there are "TWO"! We were shocked and excited and crying all at the same time thinking what are we going to do!! I knew that God would not give me more then I could handle!

My pregnancy for the most part was pretty normal up until 24 weeks. My 24th week I was headed to the top of our stairs at home and tripped over a pack and play and landed on my stomach. I was so scared and worried about the babies. George rushed me to the hospital with Michael in the back seat and we were all praying that everything would be OK. They kept me in the hospital for the next couple of days for observation. They then sent me home and said I was good to go and did not need to be on bed rest!

My 27th week I went in for my ultrasound and my cervix had shortened from 4 to 1.5inches and they said that I needed to got to the hospital and check in right away. The Doctors thought that I would have the babies at anytime. I was in the hospital I think for about 5 days while they monitored me as well as gave me a couple steroid shots for the babies lungs. Thank God everything was OK and they thought that I was well enough to go home and be on bed rest.

I was then on bed rest from week 27-34. The 34th week I had my shower at my parents house and the next day was just resting and my water broke! We were back up at the hospital and ready to have our babies. The Doctor said that we would like to keep them in as long as we can and we will just monitor you to see if you go into full labor. All night waited and waited with nothing to drink and nothing to eat. The next morning the doctors came in and gave us an option to wait and see what happens or to have the babies. We prayed about it and did not want the risk of infections so we decide to have the babies. I went into the operating room and at 1:33 Gabriel Luis Huertas was born! He weighed 4lbs 11oz. At 1:36 Selah Rose Huertas was born weighing 4lbs 6oz. It was truly one the the best days of my life.

I could not have planned the last six years any better! God had a plan and the plan was worth the wait. I prayed for one baby and came out with two!!

Thanks to all that have been praying with us over the last 6 years!! We are so blessed to have amazing friends in our lives!!

(ohhh... yeah... the "chance" of having twins with the procedure that we did is only 10%! That is a pretty low percentage!! Nothing happens by chance but by God alone! )

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