Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Books I Am Currently Reading

Things are slowly getting better as I get more organized with the babies and the fact that they are getting older and are a little bit easier to maintain! I am now able to find time to read a couple books. I am not a huge book person and it usually takes me a long time to get through a book but I am excited to share with you the two books that I am reading.

The first book is written by W. Phillip Keller and it is called A Shepherds Looks At Psalm 23. This is a book that our church is doing as a "Book Club" but is really a bible study. There are about 30 women just in our group but about 600 women total with in the church that's doing this study!

This book is helping me to remember who God is to me and how I need to look at Him! He is my Shepherd and He takes care of me in every way possible. I am thankful for this study as it comes to me at the perfect time in my life where I am ready to recharge from the past year of pregnancy and twins!!

The next book that I am reading is called; Created To Be His Help Meet by Debi Pearl! I am going through this book with a friend and I am really excited about it. George and I have been married for 6 years and there is still so much that I need to learn about being a good wife and helping my husband as much as I can! I am just into the first chapter in this book and I think that there is a lot of things in this book that are going to be a hard pill to swallow! I am excited to see not only how it is going to change me but also how it is going to change my marriage!

I will post another blog once I have finished both books and let you know what I thought!


  1. GREAT books Amy!!! Two of my favorites...The Shepherd one is so good to take that common passage that we can say in our sleep with out thinking and make it more meaningful. The helpmeet book, KICKED MY BUTT!!! At times I wanted to huck it across the room because it made me so mad and I was convicted. There's a couple things in there that I don't totally agree with, but I'm not going to toss out the whole book because of that. Actually, after I read it, I bought a case to give away because it changed me so much! Happy reading!

  2. Thanks Ginger! I am enjoying both of them! I too am finding that the Helpmeet book is already changing me!

  3. Hmmm, I recall trying to get you to read Debi Pearl's book a couple of years ago. :) Glad to know you have decided to go for it. :) Love, Brenna

  4. Brenna...I don't remember that?? It must not have been the right time for me to read it! I am enjoying it though!
